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Tuesday, May 27, 2008

PRICE OF FAME: Rihanna blasts fake people trying to befriend her!

R&B star RIHANNA has hit out at fake people who want to befriend her because she's famous - warning them she will uncover their true motives. The Bajan beauty has had to fend of hoards of wannabe pals since the launch of her career in 2005, and is sick of fame-hungry lingerers trying to get close to her. But the star has a secret weapon to discover if someone is a true pal - her "bull detector". She says, "I have a good bull detector, so I'm good at figuring out who is real and which people want to be my friend because of what I am versus who I am." And the star doesn't believe in girls longing for a man to make their lives perfect - insisting women should control their own destinies. She adds, "You shouldn't depend on a guy to make your life better or good at all." That's nice Rihanna, join the club. My dad is also the very famous Governor and when I go home everyone is my friend. I usually try to get stuff FROM THEM! Try that Ri-Ri, it may work!

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