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Friday, May 9, 2008

Foxy Brown pleads guilty in BlackBerry case!!

Now what? Less than a month after being released from prison, U.S. rapper Foxy Brown pleaded guilty on Thursday to menacing a woman with her BlackBerry phone and avoided another possible prison sentence.

By pleading guilty, Brown avoided going on trial for assault, a felony charge that carries a maximum sentence of seven years in prison. Brown was accused of bruising the eye and chipping the tooth of her longtime neighbor Arlene Raymond when she struck the woman with the handheld communications device. On Thursday, Brooklyn Supreme Court Judge John Walsh sentenced Brown to time already served, issued an order of protection and ordered Brown to submit a letter of apology, the spokesman said.

"I apologize for the incident that occurred on July 31, 2007, in that I attempted to scare Arlene Raymond and place her in harm's way," Brown said in a hand-written note.
Lucky you Foxy! Now calm down and sell those cd's!!

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