The Olunloyo Women |
Last week, learned that the Deputy Governor of Ekiti state, Nigeria. Her Excellency Funmi Olayinka had lost her battle with breast cancer. Three days earlier, I posted a note on my Facebook fan page announcing that people should pray for her as I was notified that she was on life support. I met Olayinka through a cousin during our student days in the United States while she was in Oklahoma. The news of her death was sudden to many but a lesson is still hard to digest for many Nigerian female and male alike.
Teaching Nigerian women how to do a self breast exam monthly |
As an Olunloyo woman, I created #MadamGovernorPink, an online awareness initiative in 2007 to help our women and invite other women to join us in doing a self breast exam on the 11th of the month. Many of you already know that I teach that online on my Facebook page monthly. It is not a laughing matter as I demonstrate it thru a bra. Social media networks will not allow breastfeeding pictures let alone breasts exposed.
Every woman must protect their breast from becoming cancerous. Stay at a healthy weight, boost your immunity and reduce your estrogens and insulin levels. Cut down on alcohol consumption as that can increase your estrogens levels, eat more vegetables like the greens the Yoruba’s call “efo shoko” which contains Sulforaphane, a chemical that stops cancer cells from multiplying. Know your family history of the disease, one first degree relative in your family makes your risk increases two fold and two makes it increase 5 fold which will be my risk. However I always stress that nothing needs to run in your family if you are aware.
Finally all women need a clinical breast exam every three years and an annual mammogram starting at the age of 40. If you are from a high risk family, you need to start at 30-years-old. To do a self breast exam, it involves checking your breasts for lumps or changes while standing and lying in different positions and while looking at your breasts in a mirror to note any changes in their appearance. Once you know what your breasts normally look and feel like, any new lump or change in appearance should be evaluated by a doctor.
Read the notes section of my Facebook page for details, photos and videos at my personal fanpage and join my Google hangout monthly on the 11th.
@HipHossip @Snitchlady
@TeenToronto @HealthReports
The Late Deputy Governor Funmi Olayinka |