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Wednesday, November 20, 2013

#BREAKING>> #JFK50: President Obama and Clinton to Visit Late President Kennedy's #GRAVE TODAY.

The AP reports that President Barack Obama will visit John F. Kennedy’s gravesite and honor two of Kennedy’s lasting initiatives as the nation observes the 50th anniversary of his assassination in the coming week.

Obama and his wife, Michelle, will be accompanied by former President Bill Clinton and his wife, Hillary, at a wreath-laying ceremony at Arlington National Cemetery on Wednesday afternoon. Also today, Obama will be joined by scores of prominent Americans who have received the Presidential Medal of Freedom in paying tribute to Kennedy’s legacy.

Late  President JFK 1st from left with his brothers robert and Ted.

Friday marks 50 years to the day since Kennedy was killed by a gunman in Dallas. Obama will meet privately at the White House that day with leaders and volunteers from the Peace Corps program Kennedy established. The Clintons’ presence at the eternal flame where Kennedy is buried is sure to spark speculation about whether Obama has a favorite in the 2016 race to succeed him.

For Hillary Clinton, his former secretary of state, her every move is examined for signs of whether she’ll run. Vice President Joe Biden, another potential candidate, plans to be at the medal ceremony and dinner but will not be at the grave.

Kennedy established the modern version of the medal, the highest award the U.S. bestows on civilians, in the months before his death. He was killed two weeks before he planned to honor the inaugural group of recipients, and it fell to President Lyndon Johnson to preside over the ceremony at the White House on the day Kennedy’s family was moving out. Since then more than 500 have received the medal.

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