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Friday, November 29, 2013

#HNNMusic What an award nominated #Canadian #Rapper said about #Nigerian Negativity

Famous, me and Shaun Boothe on the red carpet at the 2012 Stylus awards

His name is The KidFamous aka FAMOUS real name Ashton Bishop and he is a Juno award and Much Music Video Awards nominated Canadian Rapper who went from a shoe salesman to a major artist. I closed my personal page on twitter last nite to focus on my positive fans. So much negativity as some just flat out bully my views and really don't need to be in my page. To my surprise, this Canadian rapper posted this on my wall. It is a lesson for all Nigerians.

Ashton Bishop
Dear Kemi,

I started as a supporter of you and your movement back when you were in Toronto reporting events and hustling your way around the city helping promote artists such as myself. When you needed celebrities to speak against violence i was always available to help you and speak to the youth and media in hopes of makings change in our community.

Through the years leading up to now i know you have encountered many obstacles but have still over came them & I tilt my hat to you.

Something I've noticed recently is that you tend to always shine light on negativity. Wether it be people's comments towards you, your country, politics, messages from 3rd parties, etc.

I understand we all have an opinion and you are very passionate about things, but I can no longer have my timeline filled with negativity.

For example, instead of mentioning how shit your people are at reporting things why not just let them know how your seminars can improve things. Why not focus on the positive comments and messages you receive instead of the bad ones. We live in a world where negative travels much quicker then positive. So when you post something like this, all people read is a women showing negativity towards her people.

Nobody got time to deal with your issues. We all have our own. So there's no sense posting about them.

Use your voice and power and spread positivity. Cause God knows the world needs it.

Take Care.

Tell KJ wassup!

Thank U Famous. I will begin to do that. Focus ONLY on my positive fans and not a word to the negative ones. Just block, ban and don't surround yourself with them. Michelle Obama once said that. 

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