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Wednesday, November 20, 2013

#Nigerians should STOP calling #Fake news people Journalists as #Governor CRACKS DOWN on Fake Journalists.

NEWS REPORTING: Governor Ibikunle Amosun is cracking down on what he calls Fake Journalists in Ogun state. I don't know what those are!!

1. Pls do NOT get into news if you are NOT a Broadcast Journalist. You must know the ethics of Journalism, broadcasting and Journaling.
2. If you did not study Journalism, pls don't call yourself or allow others to call you a Journalist. Mass Communicators are News Reporters not Journalists. Do NOT use the word loosely. It's like calling a Nigerian Witch Doctor a Pharmacist.
3. If you like blogging, you are a blogger and a Journalist that blogs like me is a Professional Blogger
4. Linda Ikeji, Dele Momodu are NOT Journalists and they don't claim to be. Linda is a blogger, Dele is a magazine publisher. Neither studied Journalism or even Mass Communications. You like calling them Journos. Stop the misrepresentation.
LAST but not the least, if you are going to write news, you CANNOT be afraid of anyone. WRITE IT! I write Opinion columns around the world including some in the Toronto Sun and Nigerian Tribune.

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