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Wednesday, November 20, 2013

#HNNReligion OPINION: The #BIBLE pure work of FICTION! It was even Found in the Fiction section of Costco!

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Many Nigerians are religious radicals and most are the Christian fundamentalists. They hate me for the plain reason that I hate Pastors here. Pastors in Nigeria are certified leeches that run massive cults here, stealing, raping people even slapping underage congregation members telling them to go to HELL. Some have caused stampedes that have killed church goers.

Nigerians call me Atheist and all kinds of name. I care less.

When I say the Bible is a work of FICTION, I mean it. I do not do religion, read the bible or trust any Pastor. I believe in GOD and pray DIRECTLY to him. Now comes word that a Pastor in California, USA found a BIBLE in the Fiction section at Costco. #LMAO!

GOD never endorsed the bible. I maintain that. Eve taking orders from a snake, Sarah having a baby at 90, lions sparing Daniel, John the Baptist head on the plate of some king's daughter etc. Spare me the rhetoric.

Caleb Kaltenbach, lead pastor at the nondenominational Discovery Church in Simi Valley, said he was shocked to find the holy book had been relegated to the fiction section, and would presumably share the shelves with the likes of “Fifty Shades of Grey” and John Grisham novels.

“I never, ever in my entire life had seen a Bible labeled as fiction,” Kaltenbach told “I just took the picture. I think really what it has been revealed is a larger conversation over faith. There are people who are passionate about their faith in Christ and passionate against it.”

Costco said in a statement to that a “small percentage of the Bibles” were mislabeled by the distributor.

“However, we take responsibility and should have caught the mistake,” the statement read. “We are correcting this with them for future distribution. In addition, we are immediately relabeling all mislabeled Bibles.”

The pastor said he doesn’t hold the mistake against the mega-store, which is known for selling everything from diamond rings to jars of peanut butter the size of a human head.

“I love Costco,” he said. “I still plan to shop there a lot.”

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