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Tuesday, September 9, 2014

#HNNEnvironment Tragedy in #Chicago as FIRE kills 4 members of one family.

GONE TOO SOON: These four children died Monday morning in an extra-alarm fire.

16-year-old Carliysia Clark, her two younger brothers, Carlvon and Shamarion, and their little sister, Eriana Smith, all gone too soon.

Firefighters found the two girls in a closet. The teen was shielding the younger girl from the blaze when she died. The two boys were found in a bedroom. Very tragic story coming out of Chicago!

Daniel Kirk whose girlfriend is a family member asked ppl on FB not to pass judgement. Below are some comments.

  • Daniel Kirk This is my girlfriend's family. The fire spread to their unit. It did not originate in their house. It spread. The parents didn't abandon their kids. They have burn marks all over there body and broken bones from jumping. Dnt sit on social media and blast innocent victims. You dnt know what it is like looking for children in total darkness, all while inhaling black smoke. You dnt know what it's like to have to jump from a burning building to survive. Know the facts before you post
    Like · Reply · 1,623 · 8 hrs
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    • Diana Salah My heart goes out to you and the family . God rest their souls .
      Like · 2 · 6 hrs
    • Kristin Schmal This is absolutely heartbreaking! What beautiful children - prayers to the family!
      Like · 1 · 6 hrs
    • Coco Rosie Thank u
      Like · 5 hrs
    • Tracy Costen-Baker I hate that people on here are judging the mom and saying what they would have done. You have no clue what you would have done. This mom is an emotional mess right now. My mother lost one son and it took 5 years before she could even talk about it. God Bless everyone involved in this tragic situation
      Like · 12 · 5 hrs
    • JoEllen Fawcett So very tragic! So sorry for your loss the children are beautiful
      Like · 1 · 5 hrs
    • LaToyia Towns So sad sorry for the lost
      Like · 5 hrs
    • Deanne Fleming So very sorry for the loss of these beautiful children!! God bless the family having to go forth in life without these precious faces to go forth with!!  My heart breaks for all!! 
      Like · 1 · 5 hrs
    • Maggy Rivera Everyone is so fast to jump to conclusion if u dnt know the facts dnt judge I know I would of been trying my hardest to save them but how do u not know that she did try lord think about her pain not only did she loose one she lost 4 my heart goes out to the family
      Like · 3 · 5 hrs
    • Yourstruly Nia Peace & blessings to all of you
      Like · 5 hrs
    • Jessie Spataro Dowling Prayers to all family and friends of these victims. My heart aches to listen to this horrible and tragic story that could've been prevented with only a few dollars from the landlord. ..he will forever and always be haunted by the beautiful faces of the four angel's lost needlessly today and the mourning parents. Wish you all a speedy recovery. .. physically and emotionally. Your family is in our prayers!
      Like · 2 · 5 hrs
    • Erica Desiree People are so judgmental my prayers go to them and their loved ones .
      Like · 1 · 5 hrs
    • Tracy Hillard This is my husband's family as well and some of the comments are really heartless. Praying that the mother and boyfriend recover in all aspects of this tragedy. People are so hateful. Pray for this woman who lost four of her kids.
      Like · 11 · 5 hrs · Edited
    • AnnMarie Creamer Thoughts and prayers going out to all of you. May they RIP, 4 new angels 
      Like · 5 hrs
    • Shelly-Ann Dinglehopper the internet works like this. Some people just live and breed negativity. My thoughts are with you and your girlfriends family in this difficult time.
      Like · 6 · 5 hrs · Edited
    • Maria Odonnell Sorry for ur lost May they rest in peace
      Like · 5 hrs
    • Carolina Cars My deepest condolences. I'm so very, very Sorry. May you find peace. 

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