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Friday, September 19, 2014

#HNNHealth LOCKDOWN WEEKEND! Sierra Leone to Shut Down the Entire Country to Try to Slow #Ebola Outbreak

6 million grounded in Sierra Leone this weekend.
It's Ebola LOCKDOWN weekend in Sierra Leone and that means 19-23rd of September and time to screen people door to door for Ebola. Reminds me of the bad snow storms in Canada when you go out and stock up on bread, milk and toilet paper. 

 Doctors Without Borders said that this action may drive people underground but lets see. I'm more concerned about the safety of health workers as in their LIVES, not just their catching the disease. After what happened to health workers and educators this week in Guinea with 8 abducted and stoned, the bodies have been discovered and things are getting desperate in containing this disease. 

They say prevention is better than cure and I personally have been going to markets to educate citizens and public transportation operators. The last thing for me to want is to be stoned or abducted. Many of these people are illiterates and just don't have full knowledge of what is going on. Just like some residents in Westpoint, a slum in Monrovia, Liberia's capital went looting a quarantine center.

The Ebola crisis continues to ravage West Africa as the outbreak shows signs of accelerating. So far, more than 2,600 people have died from the worst outbreak of the virus in history. “The upward epidemic trend continues in the three countries that have widespread and intense transmission—Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone,” the World Health Organization said on Thursday.

Unable to find, contain, and treat those infected, increasingly desperate Sierra Leone came up with a dramatic solution: Shut down the entire country. The government ordered the country’s population of 6 million people to remain in their homes starting Thursday at midnight through the weekend. “During the lockdown … volunteers will try to identify sick people reluctant or unable to seek treatment,” the Associated Press reports. “Authorities have said they expect to discover hundreds of new cases during the shutdown. Many of those infected have not sought treatment out of fear that hospitals are merely places people go to die. Others have been turned away by centers overwhelmed with patients.”

Sierra Leone is getting aggressive with Ebola including even firing the Health Minister Miata Kargbo who was said to have poorly managed the disease. With US troops coming soon, people will be able to get to testing labs faster, many labs we hear are far away from residents.
With Files from Slate

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