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Tuesday, September 30, 2014

#HNNHealth With the FIRST #Ebola case in the USA, IGNORANT reporter doesn't think it CAN spread!

When u are a reporter, you are the last person to post rhetoric all over the internet. Earlier tonight in Nigeria, it's 11.30pm now in West Africa, we all heard that there has been a first case of Ebola diagnosed in the US. What I saw was an ignorant tweet by Reporter Mark Goldberg which Reporter Chris Hayes retweeted. "As long as the outbreak is spreading in W. Africa, don't expect it to spread inside USA."

Do you know who may be walking around restaurants, hospitals and even more public places with it? It was Patrick Sawyer, a Liberian American from NYC that spread it to Nigeria, so why this American hype?

A patient being treated at a Dallas hospital has tested positive for Ebola, the first case of the disease to be diagnosed in the United States, federal health officials announced Tuesday.

Officials at Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital say the unidentified patient is being kept in isolation and that the hospital is following Centers for Disease Control recommendations to keep doctors, staff and patients safe.

The hospital had announced a day earlier that the patient's symptoms and recent travel indicated a case of Ebola, the virus that has killed more than 3,000 people across West Africa and infected a handful of Americans who have traveled to that region.

The CDC initially embargoed the announcement of the diagnosis until 4:30 p.m. CDT, but then lifted the embargo after several news organizations broke that restriction.

The CDC has said 12 other people in the U.S. have been tested for Ebola since July 27. Those tests came back negative.

Four American aid workers who have become infected while volunteering in West Africa have been treated in special isolation facilities in hospitals in Atlanta and Nebraska, and a U.S. doctor exposed to the virus in Sierra Leone is under observation in a similar facility at the National Institutes of Health.

With files from the AP

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