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Thursday, December 17, 2015

My COUSIN Adewale Adeyemo appointed by Obama as Deputy National Security adviser (NSA) #HNNGov

American NSA and Naija NSA. The ones home should be reading this. My kids will be like their 3rd cousin soon. Just like I'm listed in Nigerian Expats in the US, our kids end up Americans doing great for their country. My son is running for Congress in 2016. Better VOTE for him!

President Barrack Obama of the United States on Tuesday appointed Nigeria-born Adewale Adeyemo as the deputy national security adviser (NSA) for international economics. Adeyemo is my second cousin

In a statement annoucing Adeyemo’s appointment, Obama said the African-American helped the US combat global economic recession which started in 2008.

“I am grateful that Caroline’s (Atkinson, former deputy NSA) work will be carried on by Adewale ‘Wally’ Adeyemo, who has served in my administration since 2009,” he said.

“At the treasury department, he was part of the team that helped coordinate our response to the global recession, laying the foundation for renewed growth at home and abroad.

“He helped establish the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, and he’s been our point person on a range of international economic issues, including negotiations on strong currency agreements around the trans pacific partnership.

“I will be calling on Wally’s intellect, judgment and dedication as we sustain America’s global economic leadership, which reinforces our national security, and as we work with allies and partners around the world to create jobs and opportunity for all our people.”

With files from the Cable NG

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