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Tuesday, May 20, 2008

WHAT HAPPENED TO STAGE NAMES?: DMX now accused of trying to falsify name on hospital bill!

You know that I will continue to remain on DMX side.....regardless.....On April 15, Mayo Clinic doctors thought they were treating a man named Troy Jones for pneumonia. But it was really Earl Simmons, better known as rapper DMX, trying to dodge a hospital bill, according to court documents obtained Friday. The rapper checked into the Phoenix campus’ emergency room, complaining of shortness of breath and chest pains, the documents said. “Someone in the projects is going to get the bill,” Simmons told a visitor to his hospital room, according to a May 9 search warrant served on the hospital by Maricopa County sheriff’s deputies.

The search warrant said Simmons provided the hospital “false information including name and address for billing purposes,” and that the high-profile rapper had committed the crime of “theft of services.” A confidential source inquired about Simmons’ room, but was told the hospital had no patient by that name. The source later said Simmons told him he checked in as Troy Jones to avoid paying the bill.

Still, Simmons, who owns a clothing line and acts, appears to be struggling financially. He and his wife, Tashera, who have four children, were sued in Maricopa County Superior Court last year by American Express Travel for $64,866 plus late charges, interest on a credit card and attorneys’ fees. The couple had paid a portion of the bill, but with other fees, still owed $83,353, as of April 23, court records said. I wonder if the Arizona media would report the story if it was someone else with a stage name or another race! Pleeeze, I work in the"mainstream" media ....whatever that means and I know when to cross the lines or stretch the limits!

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