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Thursday, May 15, 2008

MIMI desperately wants KIDS REAL REAL SOON!

"Touch my body stage"

2000: One day old "We belong together stage"

2001: Toy CD player and boombox but they still cry! "Breakdown stage"

2008: Watching music videos on YouTube with WiFi "I will hunt u down stage"

Mama's date at a recent Toronto African party

Babies ASAP? Then go to Malawi with Madonna on her next trip! Damn! This is the 4th story this week about Mariah wanting kids right away! Wasn't this the same woman who said kids will violate her body two months ago considering she wants it to be touched in a video......which would eventually lead to a kid! Can I remind Mariah that it actually took me 9 months to have KJ!! My 21 year old son Eni took almost 10 months Mariah....that one's called "overdue." My 16 plus year old son took.......I believe 9 months too. Is Mimi CRAZY? Babies don't just fall from some dork -looking bird called a stork. You got to start by getting Nick to "touch your body." BTW, word just came to me that Mariah is religiously reading HIPHOSSIP. Thanks MIMI, so I created a "Mariahcariology" section in the categories

MARIAH CAREY is desperate to start a family with her new husband NICK CANNON before she is too old, according to reports. The pair married in secret in the Bahamas on 30 April (08) just a month after hooking up on the set of a video, and the 38-yearold pop superstar has made no secret of the fact she wants to start a family.But friends insist the couple has already started trying for kids. One source tells the National Enquirer, "Mariah says her biological clock is ticking and she wants a baby immediately." But insiders tell the Enquirer, Cannon, 27, is not so keen: "Nick tries waving off Mariah's baby fixation as only natural, but he's in a sweat.

He expected them to start a family, just not in such a hurry." Speaking on comedienne Ellen DeGeneres U.S. chat show on Tuesday (13May08), Carey admitted she was ready for kids: "I said, `If I found the right person who I felt would be on the same page as me in terms of raising kids and having the same belief system.'" And now she appears to have found "the right person" she wants to make sure she can give a child everything he or she needs. She added, "I've always had a weird thing about it (having kids) because my parents divorced when I was three and I didn't really have many examples of what was the norm."

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