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Saturday, May 24, 2014

#BREAKING UPDATE: #3rd BOMB in a week in #Jos #Nigeria #JosBombBlast #JosBlasts

Days after a twin bomb attack on Tuesday, another bomb has rocked the city of Jos, Nigeria at about 9.30pm tonight. It happened as a failed suicide bomber tried to drive a car bomb into a crowded football viewing centre where soccer fans were watching the Madrid vs Madrid Champion League Game according to a Nigerian Police Spokesperson.

#HNNAfrica was the only one to tell you that there is a terror alert denoting terror chatter of explosions in Lagos area or as a matter of fact any city in Nigeria in the next 72 hours this weekend putting people on high alert. We do not have a casualty count yet as only the suicide bomber may have been killed as he did not make it to the viewing center said to be in a muslim dominated area and therefore was a botched attack.

Below are my TWEETS when it happened. Contrary to the Twitter buzz, I have not been told by police that there were multiple explosions.

UPDATE: 3 dead and 3 injured.

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