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Monday, May 12, 2014

#BringBackOurGirls Why Shekau Video hides Girl's Faces #OperationChibok

Do you believe these are the missing girls? If they are, they have sure learned Islam very fast. I know. I was raised at 10-year-old by a muslim woman who took me to the mosque weekly and I prayed with 5 times daily. My grandmother should see this video. Ansarudeen chants and all. But she passed away at 102 last year.

Many may find it hard to believe but Shekau is running a smooth operation in the wilderness over there. I went to Sabo, a Hausa (Northern Nigerian) enclave in my city to speak to the northerners who have settled down south over here for years. They say Shekau is not one of them. They say his accent is Northern Cameroonian.

They say he has already distributed the children to Chad and parts of Cameroon and possibly kept the Christian ones, converted them to Islam and show them off to the world.

Here is the video and there is an oval film on the screen blocking the children's identity which I believe the wire services added to it when they pulled it this morning. Why hide the children's identities in a case like this?

Translation of what he says below:

In the 1.25 minute clip of the video scores of girls in black and grey veils sit on the ground and chant, before Shekau, wearing military fatigues and holding an AK-47, addresses the camera. He appears confident and at one point laughs.

“All I am saying is that if you want us to release the girls that we have kidnapped, those who have not accepted Islam will be treated as the Prophet (Mohammed) treated infidels and they will stay with us,” he said, according to a translation of his words originally spoken in a Nigerian language. ”We will not release them while you detain our brothers,” he said, before naming a series of cities in Nigeria. It was not clear whether he was in the same location as the girls.

The saga continues.
KOO #HNNAfrica

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