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Friday, May 30, 2014

#HNNPolitics: READ what #Americans are saying on Facebook about #Shinseki's RESIGNATION! They want Obama RESIGNING TOO!

Americans want Obama to resign too amid the VA scandal. What has this country turned into?? I can't even believe this all happened. Glad it's not election season or Obamarama will be on the LOSING end!! Everyone's to blame in my opinion. The Republicans cut funding, shit happens!

JeffnShannon Baker We will accept your resignation as well Mr. Obama.
Like · Reply · 44 · 3 hrs

Amy Elizabeth Amen!
Like · 1 · 3 hrs

Dalia Kilimnik The problem is a system mal function and has been in place long before Obama was in office and no one did a darn thing about it, you guys are just finding out what our brave men and women have always known they were not getting what they were promised when they signed on the dotted line either
Like · 7 · 2 hrs

Philip Wayne And we will accept yours Baker ...another brainless conservative.
Like · 5 · 2 hrs

Kerry Berghuis McGehee Good for your, Jeff Baker! This president's scandals have become so numerous, I simply cannot keep track of all of them anymore - what a mess
Like · 1 · 2 hrs

Julie Whutsherface Stejskal Philip i must say. Brainless would be more twords yourself. Or clueless.. blind. In other words Mom shoulda put a bucket on your head as a child

Marilyn Bapes BUT, this President campaigned not once but twice that he would improve the is this an improvement?????
Like · 4 · 3 hrs

David S. Pavlik people didn't get bonuses for this neglect- nor did anyone else run on a platform that said all the good things he was to do for the vets -- his reception at West Point this week says it all - LOSER
Like · 2 · 3 hrs

Tommy Minota True but he can fix it immediately... Sign an Executive Order (which his is fond of doing anyhow) allowing ALL veterans to receive their full benefit at ANY hospital in the world.
Like · 3 · 2 hrs

Ed Byers I'm no fan of Obama and feel he should get the heat for this as it happened on his watch. However Pamela is correct in that the VA has had a lot of these problems before he took office. I remember how outraged everyone was a few years ago when the Walter Reed hospital was found to be like it was in a 3rd country and in terrible condition. President Bush at the time, took heat for it

In all honesty, a lot of these problems go back several administrations and our vets deserve far better than what our government gives them in return. One day maybe our government and our so called leaders, will keep their promise and take care of the men and women who signed up to defend this nation.
Like · 2 · 45 mins

Leslie Wright Piatt That guy was not the problem. Lack of funding is also a huge problem. Who can we blame for the lack of funds? All the rich politicians in Washington. They are more concerned about making more money then they are with the care if our vets. Our son was injured in Afghanistan. He has been waiting for months for an appointment.
Like · Reply · 11 · 3 hrs

Tommy Minota Mr. President, with all due respect, although the problem is not something you created YOU can fix it immediately. Sign an Executive Order (which you are fond of doing anyhow) allowing ALL veterans to receive their full benefit at ANY hospital in the world. Why won't you?
Like · Reply · 9 · 2 hrs

3 Replies · 2 hrs

Donna Dupree Miller I misread the headline for a second and thought Obama announced HIS excited for a bit there.
Like · Reply · 8 · 3 hrs

Phil Washburn After Republicans cut funding to the VA, they blame everyone else but themselves.
Dawn Cameron We would gladly accept Obama's resignation!!!
Like · Reply · 7 · 3 hrs

Eunice Cartagena You can't blame him for the what the very last president (BUSH) caused! It is hard to come to office and clean up the mess that BUSH created. Give him a break. He is trying to do the best he can people. There is so much to fix in such a short period of time and with the lack of support "we the people" are giving to our "land of promise" makes it even harder.
Like · Reply · 6 · 2 hrs

Gary Staton His turn now
Like · Reply · 6 · 3 hrs

Elizabeth Rodriguez The VA Hospitals were supposed to be Obama's signature project. He vowed in 2008 he would do something. As usual Obama did nothing. You people that are still on his side will always find someone else to blame like Shinseki or Bush. But how long will or can you continue to blame others for this man's many and mounting failures? The white people that had white guilt or the blacks that back this man even though blacks are worse off now then they were in 2009. You people best take some time to think about the damage this man has done to our nation.
Like · Reply · 13 · 3 hrs

Sandra Māra Dzenis Your resignation is next Mr. President....
Like · Reply · 5 · 3 hrs

Lindsay Liefjounogbaie Jordan Viva OBAMA,. I'm from Africa,we have a black president,but just think u all are idiots,maybe racist for hating on him..
Like · Reply · 5 · 3 hrs

Anna Lou It has nothing to do with racism. Always someone pulling the race card.
Like · 8 · 3 hrs

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Andres Gonzalez And I'm also tired about talking about veterans like their heroes and fighting for our freedom. A vast majority of soldiers that go to war don't see battle, and they're not defending our freedom because our freedom was never in danger and hasn't been since the revolutionary war. This hero worship needs to stop.
Like · Reply · 4 · 2 hrs

Patricia Hepworth tell Obama ,we the people, would accept his resignation!
Like · Reply · 4 · 3 hrs

Larry Moravecek Where is Obama's resignation!
Like · Reply · 4 · 3 hrs

Sean Rice Obama knew about this through both of his terms and there taking care of this now fire Obama
Like · Reply · 4 · 3 hrs

Lourdes Magallan Wow! Poor veterans . Most go to war for the benefits n look at what goes on when they return
Like · Reply · 4 · 3 hrs

Nick Depeder Now the people will wonder why ex Monsanto VP michael Taylor hasn't resigned from the FDA.

WHY is a person who is invested with a pesticide corporation in charge of our food?!!!

Huge conflict of interest.
Like · Reply · 4 · 50 mins

Phyllis Zelms Laurino We are ready to accept Obama's as well!
Like · Reply · 3 · 2 hrs

Roger Bozarth Lets accept Obamas resignation.
Like · Reply · 3 · 2 hrs

Donna Smith Doesn't bring back all those people who have died from this issue.
Like · Reply · 3 · 3 hrs

Trudy Fei Accepted it!!! He should've been fired!!!
Like · Reply · 7 · 3 hrs

Michael Schmidt Umm, that's uh..real news
Like · Reply · 6 · 3 hrs

Rosy Alvarez Andres Gonzalez u should be more informed, our soldiers are heroes and even thou we are not informed about the missions the go too, there lives are at stake while we enjoy every day without being in danger.
Like · Reply · 2 · 1 hr

Michele Lynn Turrell I was hoping it was his resignation
Like · Reply · 2 · 2 hrs

Erica Williams Guest what our vets has been disrespected in this manner for decades they really need to go after those social workers who didn't speak up on their behalf.
Like · Reply · 2 · 2 hrs

Joseph Christopher Muccianti Obama is a POS that also needs to resign.
Like · Reply · 2 · 3 hrs

Stephani Wooley More like fired!
Like · Reply · 2 · 3 hrs

Monica Acevedo This is about our Veterans NOT about Obama!!!
Like · Reply · 8 · 2 hrs

Bea Alvin I can't believe this??? Really.... Resignation.... He should have been F'n
F I R E D!!
Like · Reply · 5 · 3 hrs

Monica Acevedo Our Veterans should be able to walk in into any hospital anywhere and receive medical treatment immediately no questions asked!
Like · Reply · 7 · 2 hrs

Michael Hamilton Obama's scapegoat. To be fair this started a long time ago with the Bushes and Clinton
Like · Reply · 4 · 3 hrs

Judy A Pace Now all we need is for him to resign ....admit he took on a job too big for him..he will save face...he has abused the office of "president"....
Like · Reply · 1 · 1 hr

Ella Denard Daniels People can say what they want, but since President Obama has been in office, I've seen and continue to see positive change all over the place. Before him, issues were just issues and talk was talk. But, he gets involved and I literally see a change for the best.
Like · Reply · 1 · 1 hr

Judy A Pace Not going to dis you...put your words in us the positives...?????? Compared of course to ALL prior presidents...
Like · 58 mins

Ella Denard Daniels Nuff said!
Like · 51 mins

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Chuckie Bertolo too bad we can't get the same thing from Obama!
Like · Reply · 1 · 1 hr

Dan Jagla Its because all the vets we are free and its because of the administration we are screwed
Like · Reply · 1 · 1 hr

Kevin Cooney I saw Obama and resignation together and I got very excited for a second
Like · Reply · 1 · 1 hr

Annette Sekera Another "fall guy".
Like · Reply · 1 · 2 hrs

Andres Gonzalez The VA hospitals downfall was when it started treating illnesses and injuries that weren't received in battle.
Like · Reply · 1 · 3 hrs

Deanne Onesti Scimeca I think He should resign as well...

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