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Saturday, May 31, 2014

#HNNSports Has Donald Sterling being diagnosed with early Alzheimer's disease? Now he'll forget he's RACIST?

It appears Donald Sterling has been diagnosed with Alzheimer's reports The Source

The Donald Sterling saga has all but come to a close, with Steve Ballmer, the current CEO of Microsoft, set to purchase the team for $2 Billion dollars–there’s a running joke that he’ll pay with two 1 Billion dollar bills–and Shelly Sterling has co-operated with the NBA in making sure the sale of the Clippers was a swift and effective process.

However, there’s an interesting twist–as usual–that seems to explain some of the madness that’s gone on, and also the ridiculously quick pace at which Shelly Sterling moved to sell her beloved Clippers. According to TMZ, Donald Sterling was diagnosed with Alzheimers by two different qualified doctors, and according to their trust agreement with the NBA, that renders Donald Sterling incompetent to make NBA decisions. So, whether or not Sterling was forced out by the swift movements of Adam Silver, his health would’ve played a major factor in his removal from the capacity to decide on NBA operations regarding The Clippers.

Earlier this month, on May 22nd, Donald Sterling signed a letter that effectively relinquished any negotiating power he had in the sale of the team to his wife, which was a major factor in the events of the past 36 hours.

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