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Monday, May 6, 2013


My Pharmacy career May 5th 1988 grad
Celebrate with me: 25 years ago, I became a Pharmacist and graduated May 5th 1988 from North America's 1ST #Pharmacy school The Philadelphia College of Pharmacy. I practiced Pharmacy in America, Nigeria and Canada. I was awarded a volunteer of the year award by Governor Parris Glendening of the State of Maryland for my extensive community work getting rid of drugs off the streets of Baltimore, Maryland at the time when everyone was fleeing the city.

I educated people, I went to schools, communities. Drugs killed Baltimore and we TOOK THE STREETS BACK. WE did it! Baltimore Believe campaign with work with ordinary community members like me saved this city. A lot died in the struggle, including the entire Dawson family whose house was firebombed by a drug Kingpin.

Special thanks to President Bill Clinton who awarded me an Alien of Exceptional Ability Permanent Resident visa in the United States of America, Congressman Elijah Cummings, Senator Barbara Mikulski and Former President of the NCAAP Kweisi Mfume who sponsored it. Also BET networks for having me be their Expert Guest on the November 1996 show Drugs Undercover. I also thank the Baltimore City schools Suprintendent and staff who approved my drug education video for use in schools. "Yes you can raise a child drug free" was featured on so many TV channels in the 90's including PBS.

In 2006, I was honored by the Faculty of Pharmacy at the oldest University in Nigeria. Just like I went to the oldest Pharmacy school in North America, University of Ibadan hosted me and I was featured in Famasi magazine.

Contrary to some lies out there that I lost my licence in Georgia, USA. That is not even true. Hating, vicious characters I helped Toronto Police lock up their murderous associates made that up by even photoshopping a screenshot of my license. I did not renew any of my US licenses when I left the US for good in 2006. There was no need to.

I am NOT retired. I suffered a workplace injury at Krogers Pharmacy in Atlanta in 2005 and I became partially disabled unable to stand more than 3 hours anymore. I worked for Loblaws in Canada and the last thing I received  was a letter from the Corporate office describing me as a "Phenomenal and Unforgettable woman." Loblaws is the largest retailer in Canada. I left Loblaws in 2010 after my injury complications from the USA developed. I resumed my living as a Journalist>>>Sitting down on the job.

After Pharmacy, I went on to pursue Broadcast Journalism and Public Relations as I moonlighted in the Pharmacy to pay my tuition.

I made a difference where it needed to be. In Toronto, I did the same for guns. Yes I spoke out and ruffled feathers but I care less. Do what is right whatever community you live in. 

Congrats to all my classmates as well, Sue Ruane, Catherine, Deb, Soodabeh Jaffari, and more wherever you are. 

I will be reviving my Pharmacy twitter handle @HealthReports

@HipHossip on Twitter 

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